Draheim: Scathing Walz Admin audit reports are a disturbing pattern


Minnesota taxpayers should be deeply troubled by recent audits of on the Walz administration’s handling of the Feeding Our Future scandal and the Frontline Worker Pay Program.  

The two scathing audits expose a disturbing pattern of negligence and mismanagement within the Walz administration, resulting in the astounding loss of hundreds of millions of your hard-earned tax dollars to fraud.  

The Feeding Our Future audit confirms, again, the Minnesota Department of Education’s (MDE) complete failure to exercise proper oversight and accountability. Shockingly, MDE repeatedly approved Feeding Our Future’s applications without verifying crucial information. Even when the organization was found non-compliant in previous reviews, MDE took no decisive action. Numerous red flags and complaints were blatantly ignored for years, allowing the massive fraud to continue unchecked. 

The Frontline Worker Pay Program audit is equally alarming. The Walz administration’s Department of Labor and Industry carelessly approved payments to ineligible applicants, ignoring glaring fraud indicators such as suspicious email domains and high-risk bank routing numbers. Incredibly, 41% of all payments went to individuals who either were ineligible or who could not be verified. The Department of Revenue even failed to verify adjusted gross income for over 27,000 applicants, inevitably leading to payments issued to those who did not meet the income eligibility requirements. 

Just as concerning is the widespread lack of data retention practices across both programs. Critical verification data and documentation were not consistently retained, rendering it nearly impossible to go back and validate applicant eligibility or identify fraudulent claims. This gross negligence not only enabled fraud but also undermined all transparency and accountability. 

We trust our elected officials and government agencies to be responsible stewards of our tax dollars. However, these audits paint a damning picture of an administration that has failed that responsibility in spectacular fashion. The sheer scale of the fraud and mismanagement uncovered is simply unacceptable, and it is our duty as Minnesotans to demand better. 

The Walz administration can no longer pass the buck or turn a blind eye to these failures. The governor must accept responsibility. We need comprehensive and immediate reforms like stronger oversight, robust verification, and clear lines of accountability. Those responsible for dropping the ball must face consequences and strict rules must be put in place to prevent future fraud and mismanagement. 

The administration must make transparency an utmost priority. Taxpayers deserve confidence that our money is being used responsibly, effectively, and for its intended purposes. Restoring the public’s trust will require a clear commitment from the administration regarding these issues and what steps Gov. Walz is taking to address them. 

It is time for the governor and his administration to stop the blame-shifting and take urgent, decisive action to correct their failures – for the sake of all Minnesotans.