On Monday, Line 3 protesters blocked an entrance to the Enbridge facility in Clearbrook. During the slick morning commute, law enforcement was required to respond while the protest groups took the opportunity to raise funds off the stunt. State Senator Paul Utke, R-Park Rapids, and Rep. Matt Grossell, R-Clearbrook, issued the following statement on the protests:
“Today, protesters blocked an entrance to the Enbridge facility in Clearbrook, forcing our law enforcement to deal with them instead of helping the public on a day that has been quite hazardous with slick roads,” said Senator Paul Utke, R- Park Rapids. “These protestors claim to be water protectors, but their actions show that they are radical activists more focused on trying to raise money than anything else.”
“The protesters’ stunt today that stopped people from going to work was an elaborate fundraising opportunity via their social media post,” said Rep. Matt Grossell, R-Clearbrook. “The only thing accomplished today was reaffirming the fact Line 3 opponents will never accept the reality that we need this project. Instead, they are now left to try stunts like this that put others at risk.”