On Monday night the Minnesota Senate passed additional emergency funding for hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical professionals on the front lines to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.
“Today, the Senate passed additional emergency to allow Minnesota to continue its strategic, coordinated response to the spread of coronavirus in this state,” said Senator Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids). “This legislation is not about politics, but about doing our job to protect Minnesota from this dangerous pandemic. While Minnesota hasn’t seen an extreme breakout yet, our state must be prepared. In addition to taking additional precautions in St. Paul, all Minnesotans should continue to exercise caution in their daily routines following common sense health practices both at homes and in their communities.”
Last week, the legislature unanimously approved $21 million for emergency funding to combat COVID-19. The emergency funds will allow the Minnesota Department of Health, in collaboration with state and federal officials, to support disease investigation, monitor potential cluster outbreaks, provide information to the public, coordinate statewide response activities, and conduct laboratory analysis.
Leaders of the Minnesota Legislature have also announced that beginning Tuesday, March 17, the House and Senate will alter their operations and suspend all legislative business until April 14 in order to protect the public and limit the public spread of COVID-19.
“We are entering unprecedented territory,” continued Senator Eichorn.”To ensure the safety of the public as well staff and members of our legislature, it is necessary that we enact this recess. The situation surrounding COVID-19 has changed dramatically in the last week. In April, we will reconvene and reevaluate where our state stands. There is still work that must be done, work that Minnesotans have tasked us to accomplish. So, as we each do our part to combat this public health crisis, the legislature will monitor the situation in anticipation of our return and the completion of the people’s work. In the meantime, I want to assure my constituents that during this difficult period, my office will remain open, and your questions and concerns will continue to be addressed.”
Residents who have concerns or questions can still direct them to Senator Eichorn’s office at 651-296-7079 or sen.justin.eichorn@senate.mn
As the COVID-19 virus unfolds in Minnesota, there are several resources that individuals can use to stay up to date on the latest information:
- MDH’s COVID-19 page: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/index.html
- MDH’s COVID-19 prevention tips: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/prevention.html
- MDH’s COVID-19 Situation Update: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/situation.html
- Mayo Clinic’s COVID-19 page: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/symptoms-causes/syc-20479963
- CDC COVID-19 page: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
- CDC COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html