Sen. Ingebrigtsen supports legislation increasing penalties for the attempted murder of police officers

Last Thursday, Senate and House Republicans introduced a bill that strengthens state criminal penalties against individuals convicted of attempted first-degree murder of a police officer, judge, prosecutor, or correctional officer. The legislation Senate File 82 increases the minimum sentence from 20 years with release under supervision after two-third of the sentence is served to life incarceration with a minimum of 30 years in prison before being eligible for release.

The legislation was spurred after Officer Arik Matson, a Waseca police officer, was nearly killed in the line of duty last January.

“Deadly encounters involving police have resulted in much public scrutiny in our state and across the nation over the past few years. Often left out of the conversation is the increasing amount of attempts made on our officers’ lives,” said Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen (R- Alexandria). “With over 30 years of experience in law enforcement, I understand how intense and dangerous these situations are and the fear our officers face when being shot at, not knowing if they’ll make it home to their families.  It is my hope that through legislation, we can let officers know that we have their back, that we support their mission to uphold the public’s safety, and that as a state, we condemn any criminals who try to take their lives.”

Waseca County Attorney Rachel Cornelius said, “After prosecuting the case for the attempted murder of Officers Arik Matson, Officer Andrew Harren and Sergeant Tim Schroeder, it was clear there was a glaring gap in our current statutes. We provided for higher penalties for the murder of police officers, but there was no similar increase in penalties for attempted murder. This legislation fixes that and gives prosecutors in Minnesota another tool in the toolbox to pursue violent criminals.”      

Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association Executive Director Brian Peters said, “The thousands of officers who put their lives on the line to protect their fellow citizens and enforce laws deserve to know those who would seek to harm them will face greater penalties. We ask a lot of our public safety community and their families, and this piece of legislation is a sign of the commitment we hold to those who work every day to make our communities safer.”

Megan Matson, the wife of Waseca Police Officer Arik Matson, said, “Every day gets a little easier for our family, and we appreciate the support of the community as we move along in our journey. This legislation will help make sure law enforcement members and their families will have the full support of the justice system with them when a person tries to keep that law enforcement officer from ever seeing their family again.”

Law Enforcement Labor Services (LELS) Executive Director Jim Mortenson said, “Public safety officials face considerable danger in their day-to-day work. This proposal is a way for all of us to commit to supporting justice for those peace officers whose lives are threatened – just like Arik Matson and his bravery – as they continue to enter into dangerous situations on behalf of citizens of Minnesota.”