The Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council (MAELC) announced that the Chisago Lakes High School agriculture department, taught by Julie Mellum, received an $8,283 grant for their project entitled, “Produce Walk-In Cooler – Farm to Fork, Floral, Fruit, Hydroponic Crops, Raised Bed Produce.”
Congratulations to Chisago Lake High School agricultural department for their reception of this grant from the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council,” Senator Koran (R-North Branch) said. “It is great to see our schools taking the initiative on his project, and I am excited to see how the grant benefits the school’s agricultural education.”
This grant will provide equipment to preserve the floriculture program’s fruits, vegetables from the greenhouse and raised bed gardens and hydroponic lettuce, herbs, and microgreens.
Since its creation in 1997, MAELC has awarded over $17.5 million in competitive grants, scholarships, sponsored projects, and awards to Minnesota agricultural education and literacy programs. The impact that this grant money has had on local agricultural education programs is significant. Without these funds, many schools would not be able to offer high-quality agricultural education courses. If you would like more information on MAELC grants, please visit