Senator Ruud, Senate pass bill for fair and open elections, cybersecurity, and funding for veterans’ services

The Senate passed the State Government and Elections omnibus budget bill on Monday, focusing on good governance, eliminating waste, promoting fair and free elections, and advancing support for Minnesota Veterans. This bill contains comprehensive funding for the two-year state government budget, which highlights the implementation of government efficiencies to rein in spending while continuing to function at its highest capacity. Improvements to election security will significantly increase integrity and transparency in Minnesota elections.  

“This is a good bill that prioritizes fair elections, limits government, supports our Veterans, protects Minnesotans from any unnecessary tax increases, and most importantly, it implements the use of Provisional Ballots,” said Senator Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point). “After the last election, our voting process was widely criticized for not being secure enough. Provisional Ballots are included in this bill to restore trust and confidence in our voting system. All ballots should be treated equally and verified in the same way, and language in this bill ensures that is the case.”

The implementation of provisional ballots is highlighted and prioritized in this budget. Minnesota is one of only three states in the nation that do not provide provisional ballots on Election Day. Provisional ballots are a safe, easy measure, broadly accepted across the nation, to ensure each vote is treated equally and counted in a timely manner. Provisional ballots also prevent ineligible individuals, such as those serving a felony sentence, non-U.S. citizens, or those who do not meet residency requirements, from participating in the election and marginalizing their neighbor’s ballots.  

This budget is also focused on eliminating government bloat by finding areas in the budget that have been misused, underused, or have become more efficient. It is important to continuously audit the government to ensure Minnesotans’ tax dollars are being well-spent. 

Other included provisions: 

  • Limit the number of state employees based on the state’s population
  • Reduced funding to agencies for positions that are unfilled after 180 days
  • Equitable geographic distribution of state employee layoffs
  • Sale of unused state-owned COVID morgue in St. Paul
  • Implementation of the Veterans Restorative Justice Act