Senator Westrom, Senate Approve Legislation to Protect Our Elections & Our Veterans

ST. PAUL, MN – The Minnesota Senate passed the State Government and Elections budget bill on Monday, focusing on good governance, eliminating waste, promoting fair and free elections, and advancing support for Minnesota Veterans. The bill contains funding for the two-year state government budget and includes necessary reforms to improve efficiency to rein in government spending while continuing to fund essential services. Additionally, the bill significantly improves the state’s election security and will increase transparency in Minnesota elections while ensuring every Minnesotan’s right to vote is protected.  

“Restoring trust in our elections is absolutely essential,” said Senator Torrey Westrom (R-Elbow Lake). “Free & fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. This bill takes significant steps to improve the integrity of our elections to make it easy to vote but impossible to cheat. This should be the standard we can all agree on,” Westrom added. “If we want government to work for the people then we need to make sure people have voice in their government.”

The implementation of provisional ballots is highlighted and prioritized in this budget. Minnesota is one of only three states in the nation that still does not provide provisional ballots on Election Day. Provisional ballots are a safe, easy measure, broadly accepted across the nation, to ensure each vote is treated equally and counted in a timely manner. Provisional ballots also prevent ineligible individuals, such as those serving a felony sentence, non-U.S. citizens, or those who do not meet residency requirements, from participating in the election and cancelling out their neighbor’s legitimate ballots.  

This budget is also focused on eliminating government bloat by finding areas in the budget that have been misused, underused, or have become more efficient. It is important to continuously audit the government to ensure Minnesotans’ tax dollars are being well-spent. This section of the bill includes several provisions to fund the state government without going over budget, such as:  

  • Sale of the high priced $7 million unused state-owned warehouse (known as the COVID morgue) in St. Paul
  • Limits the number of state employees based on the state’s population
  • Reduced funding to agencies for positions that are unfilled after 180 days
  • Equitable geographic distribution of state employee layoffs if they occur

The Veterans portion of the budget focuses on initiatives to improve services for Minnesota Veterans. These programs will expand availability for dental services in veterans’ homes, establish adult daycare programs, stable housing initiatives, and recognize Veterans Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day. Funding these key services and programs for this important community of Minnesotans is a priority for the Minnesota Senate.

“Our Veterans have served our state and our nation with honor,” said Westrom. “We need to make sure they are properly taken care of. This budget provides critical resources for veteran suicide prevention, works to reduce veteran homelessness, and increases support for our aging veterans. This bill should make a positive impact on the lives of our veterans.”