Legislative Update from Senator Utke

Friends and neighbors,

Since our Canadian neighbors and our Federal government still have not reached an agreement to reopen the border, I have introduced a bill SF 2476 which would make it a requirement that the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation inspect all trains entering the state from Canada. Hopefully, this bill will create enough pressure on the Canadian government to get them to allow our NW Angle residents, seasonal property owners and guests the opportunity to travel to and from the Northwest Angle.

Additionally, my bill SF 1347 would create a forgivable loan program and establish appropriations for remote recreational businesses. $5,000,000 would be appropriated from the federal American Rescue Plan fund and go to the remote recreational businesses as forgivable loans.

Last week, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation board actually voted to remove the Minnesota State Patrol from taking breaks and eating lunch in the park board headquarters. This is a totally unacceptable decision from Minneapolis’ leaders. (Fortunately, Mayor Frey vetoed the ill-advised act days later).

  • State Patrol members have leased the headquarters without incident since 2012. The officers have consistently worked with Park Police to help the community—they’ve worked together on traffic safety training, eliminating traffic fatalities through the state’s Toward Zero Deaths initiative, and have even helped with the annual Safety Camp for kids
  • This comes a week after our Minnesota National Guard members were jeered and taunted out of a union hall. These actions are unacceptable and those that keep us safe should not be degraded by the communities they’ve sworn to protect and serve
  • This move is nothing but a political ploy that hurts Officers that have served the community, and it is absolutely horrible

While I’m not surprised the continual degradation of our law enforcement has led to this, it is nonetheless incredibly disappointing. I will always support the good men and women in uniform who are doing their best to keep us safe.



On Monday, the Minnesota Senate passed the State Government and Elections budget bill which focuses on good governance, eliminating waste, promoting fair and free elections, and advancing support for Minnesota Veterans. The bill contains funding for the two-year state government budget and includes necessary reforms to improve efficiency to reign in government spending while continuing to fund essential services.

Provisional Ballets – the bill significantly improves the state’s election security and will increase transparency in Minnesota elections while ensuring every Minnesotan’s right to vote is protected. 

  • The implementation of provisional ballots is highlighted and prioritized in this budget. Minnesota is one of only three states in the nation that still does not provide provisional ballots on Election Day
  • Provisional ballots are a safe, easy measure, broadly accepted across the nation, to ensure each vote is treated equally and counted in a timely manner
  • Provisional ballots also prevent ineligible individuals, such as those serving a felony sentence, non-U.S. citizens, or those who do not meet residency requirements, from participating in the election and cancelling out their neighbor’s legitimate ballot

Restoring trust in our elections is absolutely essential as free & fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. This bill takes significant steps to improve the integrity of our elections, to make it easy to vote but hard to cheat.

This should be a standard we can all agree on if we want government to work for the people, while making sure people have a voice in their government.

Veteran’s Restorative Justice Act – the Veterans portion of the State Government and Elections budget bill includes The Veterans Restorative Justice Act, which aims to divert at-risk veterans toward probation and social service programs instead of jail time when they commit certain less-severe crimes.

  • The most notable inclusion in the Veterans Restorative Justice Act, which provides that when a veteran has committed certain offenses and the offense can be tied to the trauma, PTSD, or health issues associated with their service, a judge may use diversionary sentencing
  • Many veterans return from service with substance abuse and other health-related challenges that often result in criminal offenses. When these are treatable conditions and the offenses are narrow enough, this language seeks to provide the help needed to treat service-induced health issues
  • The bill also focuses on initiatives to improve services for Minnesota Veterans. These programs will expand availability for dental services in veterans’ homes, establish adult daycare programs, stable housing initiatives, and recognize Veterans Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day. There is also money for a Minnesota Department of Veteran Affairs publicity representative, which will provide a voice for our veterans

Funding these key services and programs for this important community of Minnesotans is a priority for the Minnesota Senate.

Youth Sports Policies

The Senate held a hearing on Monday with the Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm to request, once again, clarity surrounding the administration’s decision making. Jan Malcolm said the state’s investigations show outbreaks in the state being connected to youth sports, later impacting more vulnerable populations. However, when asked if they had performed a study to confirm their theory similar to how Wisconsin handled the spread, Malcolm was unaware of any data existing. 

  • Evidence acquired from internal emails from Department of Health employees shows a political strategy to tie youth sports to long-term care deaths. The emails show messaging strategies to engage with the public as they were anticipating pushback when they cancelled youth sports, saying “we need to more explicitly tie youth sports to LTC.” The decision was also made because “the election, particularly the loss of six DFL seats in the House was in part a referendum on our guidance and sports was part of that.”
  • Commissioner Malcolm has been complacent at best regarding these embarrassing tactics. With no direct evidence or studies showing the link between youth sports and long-term care facilities, where are these claims coming from? It appears to be coming from the governor and his underlings where they are falling in line to set him up for reelection. Playing politics with the lives of Minnesota children is, frankly disgusting

In a year when the children of Minnesota are being unfairly burdened by bureaucratic decisions impacting their youth, the lack of transparency coming from Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm is especially disappointing.

I have to wonder what other decisions throughout the pandemic have been made based entirely on political motives instead of the health of our people. When making decisions, especially for the children of Minnesota, science and facts should be the main factor, not politics.

  • These decisions impact millions of Minnesotans and to be using political strategy when dealing with the health of our state is incredibly disappointing. This is absolutely a breach of trust from the governor and a complete failure

Minnesota Senate Republicans have prioritized bringing a sense of normalcy to the lives of our children this session. The group Let Them Play Minnesota, which advocates for students who have missed out on their extracurricular activities this past year, is to be commended for their diligence in uncovering MDH’s internal emails. 

Fun Facts:

April 26 – A tradition begins in 1941; the 1st organ is played at the Chicago Cubs’ Wrigley Field by organist Ray Nelson

April 27 – Ludwig van Beethoven composes his famous piano piece “Für Elise” in 1810

April 28 – In 1937 the first commercial flight (operated by Pan Am) across the Pacific is completed

April 29 – On this day in 1990, wrecking cranes began tearing down the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate

April 30 – Mr Potato Head becomes the 1st toy advertised on television, on this day in 1952

That’s all for this week’s update. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to share any thoughts, concerns, or questions you may have. I can be reached by phone at 651-296-9651 or by email at sen.paul.utke@senate.mn

Have a great week!
Paul Utke