Legislative Update from Senator Ruud

Greetings District 10!

The Minnesota Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Forestry Association hosted their meeting in McGregor this week to discuss critical forest resources in Minnesota. I was pleased to participate and share a legislative perspective and vision for forestry in Minnesota. This is an association consisting of 17-member districts…they have worked together for over 20 years to support and enhance the delivery of forest management services to constituents, which consists of thousands of private landowners across the forested regions of the state. They partner with state and federal agencies to protect working private forest lands and promote forest stewardship.

As a member of the Minnesota Clean Water Council we met this week to discuss the water legacy grant program, strategic plan to prepare for 2022 recommendations process and the clean water fund recommendations and timeline for 2022.

State Parks FREE the day after Thanksgiving…Friday, November 26, 2021
Minnesota state parks are open year-round, and there’s a state park within 30 miles of most Minnesotans. With a free day in each season, it’s a great opportunity to get out there and explore someplace new—or visit an old favorite at a new time of year.

More Information: State Parks Free

Social Studies Standards K-12
The Minnesota Department of Education has begun the statutory rulemaking process on the K-12 Academic Standards in Social Studies. The Request for Comments document was published in the State Register on Monday, November 15, 2021. A 60-day statutory public comment period follows the publication of the Request for Comments in the State Register. This comment period ends on January 14, 2022, at 4:30pm. Interested individuals can now submit written comments on the Proposed K-12 Academic Standards in Social Studies. 

Link for details: Social Studies Standards

Prevent Wolf Attacks on Livestock—Grant Money Available
New money is available to Minnesota livestock producers to help prevent wolf attacks. A total of $60,000 will be awarded by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture through Wolf-Livestock Conflict Prevention Grants. Applications are due January 24, 2022. 

More information here: Wolf Grant Money

National Loon Center in Crosslake—News Update
The National Loon Center (NLC) located in Crosslake has acquired approximately 6 acres of land with over 2,500 feet of shoreline in Fifty Lakes to protect critical loon nesting habitat. With the purchase, relatively undisturbed aquatic and habitat that supports nesting loons and a whole host of other wildlife will be protected. The land itself is home to many species of native trees and wildflowers, all essential to a healthy ecosystem. Funding for this project was provided from the Outdoor Heritage Fund to restore, protect, and enhance Minnesota’s wetlands, prairies, forests, and habitat for fish, game, and wildlife.
Please follow the great work at NLC here: National Loon Center

If you’re looking to hear more from the Capitol, please like me on Facebook.

Have a great start to your weekend!

As always please feel free to contact my office with any questions you might have. My office can be reached by phone at (651) 296-4913 or at sen.carrie.ruud@senate.mn.

Talk to you soon!
Carrie Ruud