Senator Chamberlain praises Minnesota State School Board Association decision to withdraw from national school board organization

The Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) announced recently it will withdraw its membership from the National School Board Association (NSBA) after the national organization sent a ‘deceitful and defamatory’ letter against concerned parents to the attorney general of the United States. The letter asked the Department of Justice to investigate the involvement of concerned parents at local school board meetings. 

Senate Education Committee Chairman Roger Chamberlain (R-Lino Lakes), who was part of a group of Republican legislators that previously called on the MSBA to withdraw its membership from the national organization, issued the following statement:

“MSBA made the right call, and we should thank them for listening to parent outcry on this. Parents aren’t the enemy. They certainly aren’t domestic terrorists. They are just worried about the activity taking place in their local schools, like mask mandates, unnecessary closures, and Critical Race Theory-style curriculum. They have every right to be involved in what their kids are being taught without being bullied or intimidated by the Department of Justice. That the national school board organization would be involved in this attack on parents is outrageous, and I am grateful to the MSBA for terminating its membership with the NSBA.”

Parents Defending Education is tracking state school board association responses to the NSBA letter.

The full NSBA letter can be read here.