Goggin: Thank you for the privilege of serving as your Senator

Friends and neighbors,

The Minnesota Legislature officially reconvened on January 31 for the 2022 legislative session, the final session of the 2021-2022 biennium.

This will also be my last session as your Senator.

A few days before session began I made the decision to retire from public service. It has been my honor and privilege to serve Senate District 21 over the past six years. In my time at the Senate, I’ve championed legislation that prioritizes our veterans, farmers, small businesses, and everyday Minnesotans that will leave a lasting impact on our community, in which I take such pride. I have met many of you and made great friends throughout my time as your Senator.

I am looking forward to spending more time with family, especially my new grandson, and traveling with my wife, Pam. 

There is still more to be done, however, and I will be working hard throughout the next year to ensure every Minnesotan has the chance to grow, prosper, and succeed here in Minnesota.

I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to be your voice at the capitol.

Putting Minnesota on the Right Track again

When I am not at my day job at the power plant, I spend time reading and responding to emails and having conversations with the folks I represent. Over the last several weeks and months, the same issues keep coming up: rising crime rates, education, inflation, and affording life.

This feedback became the backbone of our 2022 legislative agenda.

  • We will address rising crime rates by supporting the urgent need to increase police presence, provide the tools and resources to fight crime, and recruit and retain police officers, and we will look at ways to close sentencing loopholes and strengthen penalties when necessary. We will put victims and safe communities first when we make decisions about public safety.
  • Inflation, supply chain issues, and our economic slowdown have put a lot of strain on family budgets. It’s getting difficult to afford everyday necessities like food, heating bills, and gas. We’ll give the state’s $7.7 billion budget surplus back to taxpayers in the form of permanent, ongoing tax relief, so your paychecks are bigger week after week, month after month, and year after year.
  • Covid has been tough on students of all ages. We are seeing rising mental health struggles and learning loss at all ages, but the parents I talk to are worried that school boards are spending too much time on the wrong issues and not enough time on the fundamentals of education. We’ll focus on getting back to the basics: meeting, and improving, reading and math scores, with parents involved and empowered in their children’s education.

Contact me

If you ever have any questions or feedback, or if you would like to set up an opportunity to meet, contact me any time at 651-296-5612 or sen.mike.goggin@senate.mn. It is a privilege to serve you!

