Senator Osmek Champions Legislation to Protect Clean Water and Reduce Inflow and Infiltration

On Thursday, Senator David Osmek’s (R-Mound) environmentally focused legislation to help lake communities and the Metropolitan Council protect clean water and deal with inflow and infiltration (I/I) passed the Senate 66-0. 

“The existing mitigation efforts have been extremely successful in helping our communities reduce their wastewater flow over the past several years,” Sen. Osmek said. “Unfortunately, up until now, these efforts have been limited to public lands leaving private property untouched and individual owners on the hook for any mitigation. My legislation helps eliminate this, allowing the Met Council to use existing funds to work with private owners, saving our communities money in the process and further reducing pressure on our system. It truly is a win-win.”

Inflow and infiltration (I/I) describe clear water that enters wastewater systems. These waters take up limited space in wastewater pipes and increase demand at wastewater treatment plants. Excessive flows can result in public and environmental health concerns if untreated sewage discharges to basements, rivers, lakes, or other public areas, costing communities money.

The bill, SF 1782, helps expand the ongoing I/I Mitigation Program allowing the Met Council to use grants to help private properties. Ultimately, the reform will help minimize regional and local costs and prevent the unnecessary treatment of clean water from Minnesota lakes.