Key Howe legislation would improve Town Line Road in Stearns County

Last week Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) introduced legislation that would fund much-needed repairs to Town Line Road in Stearns County. Improvements would extend from Stearns County Road 5 to Stearns County Road 4.

“Town Line Road is in bad shape, and it’s in desperate need of attention and repairs,” said Sen. Howe. “This road is one of our most traveled thoroughfares in Stearns County, and that’s why it’s falling apart. We currently have five jurisdictions involved—it’s all-hands-on-deck as we push to get this done for our community. Folks deserve to feel safe on our roads, and that’s just not the case for that specific road right now.”

This onetime appropriation would give nearly $7.8 million to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant to the County, which would cover the costs of engineering, construction, and improvements.

The bill was referred to the Senate Transportation Committee.