Legislative Update from Senator Ruud

The Minnesota Legislature has been working for four weeks…the focus has been drafting and introducing bills, and moving them through the legislative process. Below are a few issues from this week. 

Senator Ruud Authors Legislation to Improve Snowmobile Safety
This week, in the Senate Environment Policy and Legacy Finance Committee, I presented legislation SF3063 that seeks to improve snowmobile safety by increasing penalties and fines given to snowmobile operators that knowingly leave trails to trespass on private property.
Minnesota is home to over 22,000 miles of groomed snowmobiles trails, with over 21,000 of those miles maintained by local snowmobile club volunteers, contributing to a $1 billion industry that drives tourism throughout the state. There are currently approximately 220,000 registered snowmobiles in Minnesota.

Snowmobile clubs work in tandem with landowners to maintain trails and educate snowmobile operators. It is frustrating to see snowmobilers knowingly leaving marked trails regardless of signage. This bill increases the penalties for doing so, which we hope will act as a stronger deterrent for encouraging snowmobile operators to stay on marked trails.” This bill now heads to the Senate Civil Law Committee. 

Senator Ruud Champions “Minnesota Elections Integrity Act”
This week, I introduced a bill that would ensure fair and secure elections in Minnesota. The legislation SF3398 would require a photo ID to vote, would establish provisional ballots, and would prohibit certain methods of compensation related to absentee voting.

Language in the bill requires proof of identification for voting and same-day registration. Forms of ID allowed are a driver’s license, a United States military identification card, a passport, a tribal-issued ID card, a free voter ID card, or proof of receipt for a new valid driver’s license. Individuals unable to provide valid proof of identity or residence would be able to cast a provisional ballot, affording the voter a period in which they could obtain valid identification. Same-day voter registration would remain intact. Not a single legal voter would be disenfranchised by Voter ID requirements.

“Our voting process has been widely criticized for its lack of security, and this is one of the top issues I’ve heard about from my constituents—it’s time to prioritize fair and secure elections. Voting ID requirements and provisional ballots will restore confidence in our voting system. All ballots should be treated equally and verified in the same way. With another election on the horizon, it’s time to ensure election integrity.”

The Minnesota Senate previously passed legislation that would require Minnesotans to present valid photo identification for in-person, absentee, and mail-in voting. The companion bill was not heard in the House. The bill was referred to the Senate State Government committee.  

Tax Relief for All Minnesotans
Minnesota Senate Republicans are committed to providing meaningful tax relief to working Minnesotans across the state, but we also want to look out for our seniors. Minnesota is one of only 13 states still taxing social security income, and it’s pushing our seniors out of the state. This week we announced the state’s “Biggest Tax Cut Ever” which provides immediate and permanent tax relief, and ends the outdated and unfair tax on social security benefits. A massive government surplus when people are hurting calls for us to pass tax relief that helps everyone across the board. As one of the highest taxed states in the country, the most valuable thing we can do to help Minnesotans struggling with inflation is to deliver immediate and permanent tax relief. 

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
The MPCA shared interesting information to the Senate Environment Committee this week regarding what Minnesotans are managing correctly related to impaired waters:

MPCA Commissioner Kessler stated that the removal of almost 100 impairments is in large part a result of the efforts of hard-working Minnesotans. On a large scale, some of what we’re doing right include sustained funding through the (Legacy Clean Water Fund) and looking at waters in context of their landscape (a watershed approach to restoration and protection). On a small scale, there are many types of projects that have resulted in improvements to water quality, including creating buffers and filtering stormwater before it reaches a lake or stream. A recent article written by BWSR for the Clean Water Council provides excellent examples of the work Commissioner Kessler alluded to: Clean Water Fund delisting sampler.

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources—Time to Buy New Licenses
It’s the time of year when anglers and hunters need to buy new fishing and hunting licenses. Minnesota fishing, hunting, and trapping licenses for 2021 expire Monday, February 28. Licenses for 2022 are now available wherever fishing and hunting licenses are sold, online, by telephone at 888-665-4236. Mobile buyers receive a text or email that serves as proof of a valid fish or game license to state conservation officers.

All 2022 fishing licenses become effective Tuesday, March 1. New licenses are required for 2022 hunting and fishing seasons that continue past February 28.
More details: Buy your license online

Thank you for recent meetings with constituents and organizations—it’s a privilege to listen and learn from so many Minnesotans: Association of Minnesota Counties, Minnesota Deer Hunters Association, Minnesota Nurses Association, Church Ambassadors, Minnesota Kidney Foundation, Brainerd Chamber of Commerce, Wildlife Research Center, Waste Management Association, Minnesota Turkey Growers, Minnesota Regional Parks & Trails, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, Minnesota Public Television & more. 

Please pray for the people of Ukraine and all the leaders worldwide to find a peaceful resolution to this current conflict—God Bless.

Thank you for taking the time to read my weekly legislative update. If you’re looking to hear more from the Capitol, please like me on Facebook.

As always please feel free to contact my office with any questions you might have. My office can be reached by phone at (651) 296-4913 or at sen.carrie.ruud@senate.mn.

Talk to you soon!
Carrie Ruud