Jasinski: Republican Senate approves biggest tax cut in state history

Republican Senate approves biggest tax cut in state history

By: Senator John Jasinski

The legislature is on recess this week so everyone can celebrate Easter and Passover with their families. It is also an opportunity for legislators to regroup and re-energize before the relentless push to the end of Session next month.

With a little more than a month remaining in session, here is an update on where the major issues stand:

The $9 billion budget surplus

The biggest topic of the session is what to do with the state’s historic $9 billion surplus. Republicans want permanent, ongoing tax relief. Gov. Tim Walz wants to spend most of it, and only provide small one-time checks – which he stunningly and self-indulgently dubbed “Walz Checks.” 

Permanent relief is the best possible option. Government is taking far, far too much money from Minnesotans. One-time checks do nothing to change that. With inflation at 40-year highs and working Minnesotans being squeezed more every day by soaring prices for gas, groceries, and energy, people desperately need relief. Permanent tax cuts will put more money in your pocket every week, every month, and every year.

Our landmark tax cut bill, which passed the Senate with a bipartisan vote, is the biggest permanent tax relief bill in Minnesota history. It cuts the bottom tax rate almost in half and fully eliminates the tax on Social Security benefits. The bill provides taxpayers with a much-needed $8.43 billion in relief over the next three years.

Public Safety and keeping communities safe

As I wrote in my last column, I hear about rising crime rates almost every day. So far the worst of it is contained to the metro area, but we certainly have our share of issues – and we definitely do not want that criminal activity to spread to our homes.

The Judiciary and Public Safety Committee approved a comprehensive public safety bill that provides critical funding to hold criminals accountable and keep Minnesota’s communities safe. It focuses on all aspects of the criminal justice system and courts, including youth intervention, criminal laws, sentencing guidelines, police, prosecutors, public defenders, judges, prisons, and probation. 

I expect that bill will move quickly through the process once we return to action on Tuesday, April 19.

Reversing Minnesota’s failing reading scores

The legislature has long had a bipartisan commitment to funding our schools. Last year schools received $1.1 billion in funding increases – including the largest student formula growth in 15 years. In 2017, schools received $18.6 billion. Education is 40% of the state’s budget – by far the largest share.

But for all that funding, we are still failing to teach children how to read. Only 60% of third graders can read at grade level. Improving student outcomes begins with reading.

Our education bill this year is entirely focused on reversing our poor track record of reading outcomes. It will reverse Minnesota’s chronically disappointing literacy scores by encouraging school boards to develop a public, accountable plan that will achieve 90% reading proficiency by third grade. It provides funding so all Minnesota teachers can receive essential training in the science of reading instruction. And it refocuses Regional Centers of Excellence to prioritize literacy.

Contact me

If you have any questions about the issues we are working on at the legislature, feel free to contact me any time at sen.john.jasinski@senate.mn or 651-296-0284. It is a privilege to serve you!
