Lang bill funds safety improvements to New London intersection

The Minnesota Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday heard legislation authored by Senator Andrew Lang (R-Olivia) that addresses a potential intersection improvement project for the intersection of Trunk Highway 9 and Trunk Highway 23 in New London. The bill funds a study to determine if an underpass, overpass, or tunnel is the option for improving the safety of the intersection.

After the study has been completed, this language secures funding for final safety improvements. Predesign, design, engineering, and construction will be funded in 2023.

“This intersection is an important and highly-trafficked road in our community, and it’s also one of the top issues I’ve heard about when I’m visiting with constituents in the district,” said Lang. “We want this road to be safe for all those traveling on it. This intersection was created about 20 years ago, and unfortunately, several deaths have occurred at this intersection since its creation. It’s a highly dangerous intersection, and I’m hopeful this bill will allow us to find the quickest and most cost-effective way to make the intersection safe for all travel and commerce.”