Jobs bill authored by Pratt focuses on supporting first responders, increasing government transparency, and funding frontline worker bonuses

The Minnesota Senate today passed a significant Jobs bill that focuses on first responders, increasing agency transparency, updating wage theft laws, and funding frontline worker bonus pay. Also included is the funding of a study on the current benefits to support the families of permanently disabled police officers, firefighters, and troopers. Additionally, this bill incorporates funding for experimental mental health therapy for first responders dealing with PTSD.

“After supporting small businesses last year with several grant programs for businesses forced to close, we wanted to tailor a bill that devotes resources to the brave men and women of our frontline workforce that step up to keep our communities safe in a variety of ways,” said Senator Eric Pratt (R-Prior Lake), Chairman of the Senate Jobs Committee and the bill’s chief author.  “As our businesses and workforce continue down the road of economic recovery, this bill requires further transparency when it comes to job training programs and grants distributed through DEED. Today’s legislation demonstrates a commitment to first responders and healthcare workers, preparing the workforce for high-demand careers, and increasing transparency of state agencies.”

Notably this bill includes the Senate’s proposal for a one-time disbursement of $250 million for the Frontline Worker Bonus Pay program. The language specifically covers first responders or other emergency frontline workers that performed frontline services such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, paramedics, ambulance personnel, corrections officers, and long-term or other health care frontline workers.

“This money will go to the brave men and women that were truly on the frontlines of Covid—the ones that worked tirelessly through the most challenging days of the pandemic to offer aid to others. These Minnesotans deserve recognition for their important work, and these meaningful bonuses will go a long way in thanking them,” said Pratt. 

Other key provisions included in the bill:

  • Requirement for Department of Economic and Economic Development (DEED) to report Unemployment Insurance (UI) fraud
  • Stipulation that DEED must prioritize job training program/grants for high-demand careers
  • Non-profits receiving DEED grants required to disclose employee compensation
  • Updates to Wage Theft laws

This bill does not include burdensome mandates, expensive new programs, or excessive regulations on businesses. The legislation passed in the Senate with bipartisan support.