Housley co-authors legislation supporting The Cultural Community Rescue Grant Program

Senator Karin Housley (R-Stillwater) last week joined a group of bipartisan legislators to champion legislation that funds the Cultural Community Rescue Grant Program. Proposed legislation would provide a one-time appropriation to help arts and cultural groups recover from the lasting effects of Covid.

As a result of Covid, Minnesota arts and cultural organizations lost a total of $2.2 billion in revenue, which led to over 60,000 layoffs in the industry. This bill would use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars to fund grants to the roughly 1,400 statewide nonprofits and cultural organizations that were adversely affected by the pandemic.

“Arts and cultural organizations have been instrumental to millions of Minnesotans across the state, and unfortunately in the midst of Covid, 57% of creative workers lost their jobs as theaters closed, museums shut down, and the hearts of our communities stopped in time,” said Housley, who is a co-author on the legislation. “I was happy to join a bipartisan group of legislators as we discussed important legislation that revitalizes arts and culture organizations throughout the state.”

Grants funded through this legislation would re-employ the thousands of individuals who were laid off and would serve as a jump-start to a cornerstone of Minnesota’s economy.

“The arts are so important to our state—not only do they play a key role in our economy, but they bring diverse people and communities together. As the Legislative Session comes to a close, we must not forget the arts and artists that are woven into the fabric of our communities,” said Housley.