Ruud’s Legacy Bill Funds Lessard-Sams Conservation Projects

Yesterday with broad bipartisan support, the Minnesota Senate passed the annual Legacy bill authored by Senator Carrie Ruud (R-Breezy Point) that funds Lessard-Sams project recommendations. This bill appropriates $159 million to the Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Fund (OHF) to fund 42 high-priority conservation projects across the state.

An amendment was added onto the bill on the Senate Floor, which creates an extension for projects that were delayed during Covid. As amended, this legislation will provide funded projects with an extended timeframe during which they can use the money previously allotted to them.

“The Legislature has faithfully adhered to the recommendations from Outdoor Heritage Fund, and this bill continues that time honored tradition by focusing resources on preserving 80,000 acres of land and 129 miles of shoreline across our state,” said Ruud. “I am proud of our commitment to preserving our state’s incredible beauty, culture, and resources for generations to come.”

In 2008, Minnesotans voted to amend the State Constitution to include the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment (referred to informally as the Legacy Amendment). This amendment allocated three-eighths of one percent of the sales tax to contribute to four funds that aim to protect drinking water sources, restore and enhance habitats across the state, preserve arts and cultural heritage, support parks and trails, and protect and enhance lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater.