Supporting and Honoring Minnesota Veterans

Every year on November 11th, we celebrate Veterans Day by paying tribute to the brave men and women of our country’s Armed Forces. We honor those who have stepped up to serve and have put country over self in their actions. On this day, we celebrate the contributions and sacrifices of the over 16 million veterans currently living in America.

As we consider the ways in which we can support our veterans, I’d like to highlight a number of bills that prioritized our veterans, their families, and the needs they have.

Earlier this year, the legislature passed a robust Veterans omnibus bill. It had overwhelming bipartisan support and put great focus on the needs of veterans as they enter their post-service lives. Most notably, we voted to increase the funding and eligibility for veterans’ post-9/11 service bonuses. Last year we passed a bill that honored our state’s historical tradition of providing bonuses to service members who served during global conflicts. That bill allocated $24 million for post-war bonuses to all Minnesota veterans that served in the Global War on Terror. It became very clear that this funding would not cover all those who qualified. This year, the veterans omnibus bill expanded eligibility and increased funding, so we can ensure every veteran has access to adequate financial compensation for all they’ve done.

We also previously passed legislation to fund and upgrade new veteran homes across the state. In 2021, homes in Bemidji, Preston, and Montevideo secured federal funding to complete construction, and in 2022 the legislature passed a bill that provided additional funding to make the homes operational. In this year’s bill, we included funding to cover operations within these homes. Not only do we want these facilities to be accessible to veterans across the state, we also want to ensure they’re receiving top-notch care, and this funding will make that possible.

This year’s bill also included funding for a number of veterans’ services organizations. Specifically, we funded many great programs like Veterans on the Lake, Recently Separated Veterans Program, and Homeless Veterans and SOAR program. Oftentimes, veterans face hardships in their post-service lives. In funding these programs, we’re showing that Minnesota is willing to invest in our veterans, and we are willing to step up in service to those who have served our country. These programs ensure veterans receive proper care, are able to connect to resources and programming opportunities, and are able to receive assistance wherever necessary. In funding these projects, we are helping veterans enter their post-service lives, and are actively working to combat veteran homelessness.  

Though we have supported veterans through various legislation throughout the years, there is always more we can do. No Minnesota veteran should be forced to face hardships without support. The brave men and women who enter the military and put their lives on the line to serve our country deserve our support before, during, and after their service. Our veterans have given so much to our country and state. As grateful Minnesotans, we must remain committed to ensuring their sacrifice is recognized and honored.

To all of the veterans in Minnesota and across our nation—we thank you. Today and every day, we honor all you have done. We recognize that our freedom has come as a result of your courage and sacrifice. Thank you.