Toward the end of this year’s legislative session, Senator Warren Limmer (R- Maple Grove) secured $2 million in funding for an updated Highway 55 environmental study to improve traffic and safety on this vital project. “I am thrilled that Hwy 55 will soon begin a vital reconstruction of Hwy 55,” said Senator Warren Limmer. “It is long overdue.”
“Thanks to the Highway 55 Coalition, city representatives, and advocates for continuing to highlight the need for more funding,” Sen. Limmer said. “Their tireless efforts have paid off, and I am glad we could get this done for them this year. I appreciate the broad, bipartisan support for this bill and look forward to seeing preliminary studies and eventual construction begin!”
“This new funding creates the first official phase to reconstruct Hwy 55 as it goes westward from Medina to the Crow River in Rockford,” said Limmer. “The regional interest is high, as most west Hennepin County communities have weighed in with support of the highway expansion.”
The funding passed this session will be used for a “new environmental impact study, as well as engineering design to eventually reconstruct Highway 55 from a two-lane undivided to a four-lane divided roadway in Hennepin County from Arrowhead Drive in the City of Medina to County Road (CR) 19 north of Loretto.” The coalition believes the improvement will improve road safety and grow commerce in the area.