Gruenhagen: Walz budget proposal will cause property tax increases

Friends and neighbors, 

Governor Walz’s budget proposal shifts over $460 million in costs onto counties, forcing them to either cut essential services or raise property taxes. Meeker County alone will be hit with an additional $860,000 in costs each year just to cover new state-mandated expenses. That is equivalent to a 5% tax hike!  

Meeker County isn’t alone. Counties across Minnesota are warning that these cost shifts will force property tax increases of 7% to 9%.  

Recently we held a press conference and a hearing where we heard directly from these county leaders. Their comments were crystal clear: the state shouldn’t solve its budget problems by handing the bill to local taxpayers. As one commissioner from Clay County put it, “All these additional costs take away from our ability to fund other critical services.”  

I couldn’t agree more. The governor’s plan isn’t a solution. It is just shifting the problem onto working families. 

Of course, I will continue to push back against these cost shifts that will raise your property taxes. When we put together the new state budget this year, we have to make sure it does not burden local communities.  

I spoke at the press conference above to relay the concerns of the Meeker County board, which was unable to attend.  

You can watch my comments here, or read the Meeker County letter 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

God Bless, 

Senator Glenn Gruenhagen