Today, Senate Republicans took a clear stand to protect girls’ sports. In a floor motion, they voted to bring up a bill ensuring that only biological female student-athletes compete in girls’ sports at the elementary and secondary levels in Minnesota. The motion failed on a party-line vote, 33 to 34.
“We have an opportunity today to show Minnesota that we support women and girls and that they deserve their own space in athletics and competition,” said Sen. Carla Nelson, the bill’s author, as she introduced the motion. “Without Title IX, I wouldn’t have had the chance to participate and compete in women’s sports. This bill honors the intent and spirit of Title IX by valuing women’s dignity and protecting their privacy. Voting to bring this bill forward sends a clear message that we respect women, girls, and their athletic achievements,” Nelson concluded.
The National Collegiate Athletic Association recently changed its policy to protect women athletes, while the Minnesota State High School League has not.
Senators Julia Coleman, Warren Limmer, Karin Housley, Carla Nelson, Andrew Mathews, and Michael Kreun pose with Mrs. Riley Gaines (center).