The Minnesota Cooperative Network, the Minnesota branch of the largest statewide co-op trade association in the country, has named Senator Michelle Benson (R-Ham Lake) as their Legislator of the Year for 2017. She won the honor for her advocacy of initiatives benefiting cooperatives around the state, including the establishment of a new law allowing cooperative network members to obtain much less expensive group health plans.
“I am humbled and honored to receive this award because of what it represents – successful passage of an important reform,” said Sen. Benson. “Farmers often purchase their health care coverage on the individual market, and therefore have been particularly susceptible to the Obamacare premium spikes we’ve seen in recent years. Minnesota has more cooperatives per capita than any state in the country, and they have been fighting to make this important change for years. I’m thrilled we were able to get it done this year.”
“Senator Benson has been a tireless advocate for cooperatives,” said Patrick Murray, director of government affairs for the Cooperative Network. “Her strong leadership has given thousands of farmers and their families a new health care option previously not available to them. We are proud to call her an ally.”
The Cooperative Network is one of the premier cooperative trade associations in the country, serving more than 400 member-cooperatives in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, and is owned by more than 6.1 million residents between the two states. Minnesota is one of the top co-op states in the country. Cooperatives annually record about $34 billion in revenue and employ approximately 46,000 people.