CEE Selects Senator Jason Rarick as Their 2021 Energy Efficiency Champion Award Recipient

On December 8, 2021, the Center for Energy and Efficiency (CEE) presented Sen. Jason Rarick (R-Pine City) with the 2021 Energy Efficiency Champion Award. The award recognizes “outstanding work in innovating and improving cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities in Minnesota.”

This year, multiple energy efficiency bills were signed into law, including two for which Sen. Rarick was the chief author: the nation-leading Energy Conservation and Optimization (ECO) Act and the Minnesota Efficient Technology Accelerator (META).

“I want to thank CEE for recognizing my work on ECO and META this year and their partnership and support throughout this process,” said Senator Jason Rarick. “Both pieces of legislation represent strong energy compromises that move Minnesota’s energy priorities in the right direction. We’ll optimize efficiency, expand consumer choice, and reduce our footprint over time through these reforms. Furthermore, at a time when our state is grappling with rising energy costs, these policies will help us stretch our available energy even further, helping both families and businesses keep costs down.”

“CEE selected Sen. Rarick for the 2021 Energy Efficiency Champion Award for his unparalleled leadership, tenacity, and broad coalition building, which were critical to passing ECO into law,” Jamie Fitzke, CEE’s Legislative Policy Director, said. “CEE is incredibly grateful to Sen. Rarick for his commitment and authorship of ECO and META. These two bills innovate energy efficiency, which is our cheapest energy resource and employs thousands across the state. Sen. Rarick’s vision and leadership will help to reduce energy costs and improve Minnesotans’ homes and businesses.”

The ECO Act ensures our businesses can save energy and money, makes our homes more comfortable and efficient, and employs thousands of Minnesotans in the energy efficiency workforce. META works with manufacturers, supply chain, and the workforce to advance energy-efficient building technologies built for Minnesota.

ECO and META will increase innovation and reinvestment in Minnesota, and CEE is pleased to recognize Sen. Rarick’s leadership on these energy bills.