Draheim Capitol Update: extreme abortion bills moving through the Senate

Friends and neighbors —

On Friday, January 27, Senate Democrats passed the first in a series of extreme abortion bills. It is called the PRO Act, or “Protect Reproductive Options.” They claim it is putting Roe v. Wade in state statute, but it is much, much worse.

It allows abortions with zero restrictions. Third-trimester abortions. Partial-birth abortions.  Abortions up to the moment of birth. Sterilizations for minors without parental involvement. Zero protections for babies in the womb. It is a wholesale disregard for the sanctity of life.

Make your voice heard! Call the governor and call your legislators to let them know you do not want this extreme legislation in Minnesota!

* Gov. Walz: 651-201-3400

* Find your legislators and their contact info here: https://www.gis.lcc.mn.gov/iMaps/districts/

Gov. Walz’s massive budget proposal spends the surplus and raises taxes

On Tuesday Gov. Walz released the details of his budget proposal. His budget would be the biggest we have ever had by a large margin. He spends the entirety of the state’s record $17.6 billion surplus, increases spending by $25%, and even raises taxes by more than $2 billion.

There’s no elimination of the Social Security benefits tax. He legalizes recreational pot. He repeals laws that protect women like Woman’s Right to Know and Positive Alternatives. He even raises license tab fees.

With a $17.6 billion surplus, there is no excuse for raising taxes. None. The governor’s budget is completely out of touch. He wants to increase spending 25%, bringing our state spending to a mind-blowing $65 billion. It is madness. Family budgets certainly aren’t increasing at that pace. In fact, people in our area are still struggling with high costs of inflation and expensive gas, groceries, and energy bills. Let’s relieve some of their stress and send the surplus back to them.

Helping school districts make disability upgrades

This week the Education Committee heard my bill that will help small school districts make accessibility upgrades for students and faculty with disabilities

There are a lot of small school districts around the state, including some in our area, that badly need to make ADA upgrades but simply do not have the money. It’s a difficult spot to be in – they want to comply, they know they need to comply, but the tax base and the financing just are not there. These grants will help those districts bridge the gap and make these important improvements.

Building more affordable housing

The Housing Committee this week heard my bill to create a pilot grant program to help municipalities pay for housing infrastructure costs

Between inflationary costs and onerous regulations, the affordable housing market is getting squeezed. If we can pay part of the infrastructure costs associated with building new affordable housing units in some of these cities where they wouldn’t ordinarily go, it will benefit everyone. It is a good, bipartisan idea, and I am glad to have the committee’s support.

