Draz: A new ethics complaint against Democrat Sen. Nicole Mitchell


Friends and neighbors,

Minnesotans expect honesty and accountability from their elected officials, but Democrat Senator Nicole Mitchell once again violated those values when she voted on a matter that directly affected her own career, political future, and personal financial interests. The Senate’s rules are simple and clear: if a legislator has a conflict of interest, they must disclose it and abstain from voting. Sen. Mitchell ignored both when she cast the deciding vote that blocked a vote on her own expulsion from the Senate.  

This wasn’t just a mistake. It was deliberate. She had ten months to recognize the conflict. She was reminded of it before the vote. And she still chose to act in her own self-interest. The consequences were clear: if she had abstained, the Senate could have voted on whether to remove her from office. Instead, she kept her salary, benefits, and the ability to further delay her criminal trial. 

Sen. Mitchell’s vote wasn’t just unethical, it was a violation of public trust. The Minnesota Senate has rules for a reason. Other legislators have followed them when conflicts arise, stepping back when their personal interests are at stake. But Sen. Mitchell seems to think the rules do not apply to her, and the result is a stain on the integrity of the Senate. 

Recently I filed an ethics report about Sen. Mitchell’s behavior – the third ethics complaint against her, including another one this year and one from 2024. These ethics complaints are separate from her criminal case. This is about whether the Senate will hold its members to the same standard as the people they serve. If we allow senators to ignore conflicts of interest and get away with it, we send a dangerous message: that the rules only apply when it’s convenient.  
