Duckworth Bill Helps Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District

Senator Zach Duckworth (R-Lakeville) presented legislation in the Senate Education Committee that allows the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School District much needed flexibility regarding their property.  After paying any related debts, it allows for funds to be deposited into the district’s general fund where it can be used on student initiatives such as early learning literacy. This would not be possible without Senator Duckworth’s bill and would not cost the state any money.

“This is how local representation is supposed to work – the Burnsville-Eagan-Savage School Board and Superintendent asked for my help and I’m happy to work in partnership with them in the legislature. They requested a meeting and informed me that this legislation is a priority for their district and will help them best serve the kids and families of their schools,” said Duckworth.“After first paying off any debt, the bill will allow for funds to go toward important school programming, specifically valuable literacy initiatives. Allowing this flexibility to ISD 191 will benefit their students directly and allow the district to focus on getting our kids the help and resources they need after two years of unique challenges.”

This bipartisan bill has support, passed through committee, and now heads to the Senate Finance Committee.