We want your feedback on the proposed Grand Rapids grow facility!
By: Senator Justin Eichorn and Representative Ben Davis
Friends and neighbors,
By now, many of you are aware of the project that proposes to build a grow facility for recreational cannabis just outside Grand Rapids. This would be the first such facility in our state since Minnesota legalized adult-use cannabis earlier this year.
The developers are seeking between $10-$20 million in funding from the IRRRB. They estimate this facility would create 200 jobs with $10 million in funding, or 400 jobs with $20 million. By their estimates, it would be a $60 million total investment in our community.
The proposal is intriguing. We won’t say we support it yet, but we are not necessarily opposed either. We would say we are in fact-finding mode.
That’s where you come in. We would love to hear your feedback before we commit to anything or take any votes on this project.
As your legislators, our fundamental goal is to make responsible decisions with taxpayer dollars. Our primary concern is that permits for recreational cannabis facilities will not be awarded for at least another year, and potentially even longer. And the new law requires permits to be prioritized for people of color and those rebuilding their lives after drug felonies. The owners of this proposed facility in Grand Rapids meet neither criteria, so there is no guarantee they will receive a permit.
In other words, we worry about allocating tens of millions of dollars in public funding to a project before we even know if it will move forward.
That’s why we want to hear from you. How do you feel about this cannabis grow facility proposal? Do you view it as a worthwhile investment and job creator? Or would you prefer tax dollars to be used for other projects instead?
We are hopeful to get a wide range of feedback about this. As we said, we do not oppose this project but we’re not yet convinced it’s the best use of our resources either. Your perspectives will be particularly important as we make a decision.
Please feel free to reach us at sen.justin.eichorn@senate.mn / 651-296-7079, and rep.ben.davis@house.mn.gov / 651-296-0172 to share your thoughts. Thank you for taking the time to tell us what you are thinking. We look forward to hearing from you.
Senator Justin Eichorn
Representative Ben Davis