Friends and neighbors,
Since taking complete control of state government, Democrats have done everything they can to make Minnesota an even more attractive destination to illegal immigrants.
Last year, they provided driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. They had proposals to give illegal immigrants property tax relief using the homestead tax credit and access to the ‘Working Family Credit’, which provides money to people who aren’t earning enough through their current work. This year they renewed efforts to turn Minnesota into an official sanctuary state. In addition, Minnesota has experienced a surge of migrants from New York.
I wanted to let you know about another troubling bill the Democrats want to pass. It’s called the “Worker Opportunity Act,” and it would provide illegal immigrants with unemployment benefits.
This $10 million bill would provide $300 weekly payments for up to 13 weeks. Yes, your tax dollars would pay unemployment benefits to people living in our state illegally.
This is why what happens at the border is important to all of us, even here in Minnesota. We cannot keep putting illegal immigrants ahead of our own citizens, many of whom are struggling with high prices for daily life. And we certainly shouldn’t spend millions handing out unemployment money to people who are here illegally.
If you have any questions, please reach out any time.