A note from Senator Paul Gazelka

For families in Greater Minnesota, it has been another productive session.

I made a commitment that we would advocate for your priorities in Saint Paul and we delivered on that promise. Working together we passed the first middle class income tax cut in nearly twenty years, made the largest investment in public education in state history, reformed CCAP to prevent fraud, and combatted the opioid epidemic by funding recovery housing.

I’m truly honored to represent Cass, Morrison, Todd, and Wadena counties in the Minnesota Senate. As always, I value your opinion so please don’t hesitate to contact me to share your thoughts, ideas, or issues. Working together, we will continue to make Central Minnesota a wonderful place to call home.

Tax relief

Minnesotans will see the first middle class income tax cut in nearly two decades. The second-tier income tax bracket which impacts couples earning between $37,850 and $150,380 and individuals earning between $25,890 and $85,060, will drop from 7.05% to 6.80%.

Funding our schools

We also passed an increase in school funding that will bring, amongst other school district funding increases, an additional $121,004 to Little Falls, $632,649 to Long Prairie Grey Eagle, $63,360 to Pillager, and $19,865 to Wadena-Deer Creek schools next year.

Fighting childcare assistance fraud

Senate Republicans successfully fought against increases in CCAP funding and passed new accountability measures to clamp down on the pervasive fraud in this program.

Addressing the opioid epidemic in Morrison County

We addressed the opioid crisis in Morrison county by providing funding for emergency housing as well as sober living through CHI St. Gabriel’s and Oasis Central Minnesota. By paying for this type of care coordination upstream it results in reduced long-term costs and helps addiction patients become healthy, productive members of society.

Broadband expansion

We passed $40 million for the Boarder-to-Border Rural Broadband expansion program

Local Government Aid

We passed boost in aid to cities and counties so Minnesotans across the state can continue to enjoy essential services in their communities.

Relief for farmers

We passed property tax relief to farmers with an expanded education property tax credit for agricultural land.

Extreme new gun laws

20¢ per gallon gas tax hike

$12 billion tax increase

Single-payer health care

Tab fees & sales tax hike

Nursing home funding cuts

State Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka

Proudly representing District 9

Minnesota Senate Building Room 3113
95 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Office: (651) 296-4875
E-mail: sen.paul.gazelka@senate.mn