After three years, $200 million, and thousands of lives disrupted, Governor Dayton finally admits MNsure is a bust
Republicans reject governor’s plan to ignore MNsure problems for another year.
(St. Paul, MN…) Republican leader David Hann (Eden Prairie) released the following statement in response to Governor Dayton’s letter proposing the creation of a new task force to offer solutions for MNsure problems:
“Frankly, I’m stunned by this 180 degree reversal by Governor Dayton. He sold us MNsure in the beginning, has ignored its problems, shunned input from Republicans, and defended it vehemently for years. Less than a month ago, he was still defending it even as members of his own party were attempting to back away from it.
I’m calling on the governor to lead today. Not to hide behind another task force. Not to wait another year before doing the hard work to solve problems Minnesotans are dealing with now. It’s time for the governor to start acting like a governor and lead.
This is not the first time Governor Dayton has sold us a bill of goods, then publicly backed away from it and waited for someone else to clean up the mess. Who can forget the colossal failure of the electronic pull-tabs, or the warehousing tax that was implemented and later overturned? With this track record, Minnesotans shouldn’t rely on the governor’s latest scheme to raise the gas tax, a volatile source of revenue at best, to pay for transportation infrastructure.”