Friends and neighbors,
As you know, Democrats in the legislature this session have indicated they wanted to legalize assisted suicide in Minnesota. As I have written before, this is a terrible idea. It sends a tragic message to our most vulnerable loved ones not only that they are disposable, but that by remaining alive they are a burden on their friends and family.
Life is a sacred gift from God. Deliberately ending one life erodes the value of all life.
Not too long ago the Pioneer Press ran a column by a Minnesota Physician and American Medical Association member named Dr. Dennis O’Hare. Dr. O’Hare is a vocal opponent of legalizing assisted suicide. He argues that having doctors participate in prescribing lethal drugs for patients to end their lives runs contrary to the role of physicians as healers and would be difficult to control once legalized.
O’Hare cites data showing the primary reason people choose assisted suicide is fear of being a burden, not inadequate pain control. He shares our concern that elderly, poor, and marginalized patients may feel pressured to end their lives and that insurance companies may prioritize the cheaper option of assisted suicide over providing proper care. He also points out that assisted suicide laws expanded rapidly in Canada after initially being restricted to the terminally ill.
I hope you will take a moment to read his article, which can be found here:
Our role should be to provide care and compassion during our loved ones’ darkest moments. It should not be encouraging them to end their lives when they are at their lowest points of despair.
If you have any questions about this issue, please reach out.
God Bless,