Housley, Senate GOP roll out C.O.P.S. package of bills aimed to recruit people into law enforcement careers

Today Senate Republicans rolled out a $65 million C.O.P.S. Program, which stands for “Creating Opportunities in Public Safety.” The proposals focus on recruitment to address the peace officer shortage affecting the entire state. Six different bills are included and aim to help young people get their degree in law enforcement, encourage mid-career people to consider a career change, and fund a marketing campaign as well as continuing education to highlight the honorable profession and long-term benefits of a career in law enforcement. 

Across the nation, law enforcement positions are opening up faster than they can be replaced by retirement or resignation. In 2021 alone, The Star Tribune reported Minnesota saw 32 Police Chiefs retire. The Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Board Job board shows openings for licensed peace officers in at least 65 agencies. Minneapolis and St. Paul have nearly 300 open positions to fill as of last month. 

Language authored by Senator Karin Housley (R- Stillwater) proposes a $1 million bill for the Department of Public Safety to develop and conduct an advertising campaign to elevate the law enforcement profession. 

“Our law enforcement officers have given so much to our communities—they have consistently been on the front lines of every crisis facing our state. Though their heroic deeds keep Minnesotans safer in their day-to-day lives, their actions oftentimes go unnoticed and unrecognized. It’s absolutely time that we spread the word of all the good work these brave men and women have done and continue to do. It is my hope that we can elevate and recognize all law enforcement professions and spread the word of the rewarding and honorable nature of this career path,” Housley said.  

Other bills included in the package:

  • $1.5 million in funding for the award-winning Pathways to Policing program
  • $20 million in funding for the Workforce Scholarship Program to increase enrollment in associate degree programs in law enforcement
  • $20 million for grants to students across the state that are pursing degrees in law enforcement at an accredited institution  
  • $2.5 million in tuition reimbursements for recently licensed peace officers and those in the pipeline to become officers
  • $20 million towards bonuses of up to $10,000 for newly hired peace officers

This package is part of a comprehensive effort by Senate Republicans to support safer communities.