Howe legislation allows Law Enforcement to keep outdated service badges

The Senate Transportation Committee recently heard legislation authored by Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) that allows State Troopers, Commercial Vehicle Inspectors, and Capitol Security Officers to keep their old badges.

Due to the recent update of the state seal, all badges are in the process of being replaced, making old badges outdated and obsolete. As written, the bill would have allowed law enforcement to buy these badges back, but the Committee amended the bill to allow for the badges to be given to retired law enforcement officers that would like to keep them.

“This is common sense and good policy – for many officers, their badge is a symbol of years of sacrifice and dedication to our state and its communities,” said Howe. “These badges are sentimental to many because they represent careers dedicated to public safety. Since the badges are obsolete, we should allow law enforcement officers to keep these meaningful emblems as a sign of their servitude and success. There’s no reason we should destroy emblems that symbolize so much to the men and women that wore them.”

Without this legislation, the badges would have been destroyed and recycled. Notably, this language ensures that future retirees have the same option moving forward.

The bill passed through committee with bipartisan support and was referred to the Senate Floor.