Howe legislation removes 12-year limit on Minnesota National Guard reenlistment bonuses

With unanimous support, the Minnesota Senate yesterday passed key legislation that authorizes members of the Minnesota National Guard who have more than 12 years of service to be eligible for reenlistment and commissioning bonuses. Authored by Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville), this bill alters current law which states that only Guard Members with less than 12 years of service are eligible for these bonuses.

The goal of this legislation is to incentivize Guard Members to remain employed in the National Guard, so they may train and assist newer members. It will also allow Guard Members to be rewarded for their tenure and will give the Minnesota National Guard the ability to retain its members.

“Current law prohibits Guard Members with over 12 years of service from receiving enlistment or commissioning bonuses. It is important that we remove this 12-year barrier so the Minnesota National Guard can provide incentives and rewards to those who have reached mid-career status,” said Howe.

The bipartisan legislation passed in both the House and the Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support, and now waits for the Governor’s signature before becoming law.