A note from Senator Scott Jensen

Another session has come to an end, and although I am pleased that a biannual budget was passed, I was disappointed to see a handful of people make the final determinations regarding much of our policy work. I am looking forward to next year and continuing my efforts on creating opportunities for all Minnesotans to improve their lives and pursue their dreams.

Thank you for continuing to reach out to me with your questions and your ideas. I rely on each of you to help me do what is best for our families, our communities, and our state. I am honored to serve all Minnesotans. Thank you for this privilege.

Who I am

I am a fiscal conservative focused on bipartisan initiatives for the future of our communities and our state. From health care to MNLARS, transportation needs to excellent education, I am committed to working with all stakeholders. I am devoted to ensuring you receive effective representation and that is only possible when we work with advocates on both sides of the aisle.

What I accomplished

I am proud to report that significant bipartisan reform was achieved during this session:

  • I was the chief author of an ambitious Pharmacy Benefit Manager bill which requires licensure, transparency in financial transactions, accountability regarding rebates, and removal of gag clauses between pharmacists and patients for prescription medications.
  • I was the chief author of a bill that allows 20 additional beds to be used for purposes determined by Ridgeview Medical Center.
  • I was the chief author of a direct primary care bill passed by the Senate unanimously. This bill will allow patients to work directly with their doctor to develop personalized care and payment plans. It did not pass in the House, so I will continue to work on new and innovative ideas.

I strongly supported these initiatives:

Historic elder care reform

New provisions to guarantee quality care to our seniors and vulnerable adults

Response to opioid epidemic

Broad-based initiatives to fight against the opioid epidemic in the hopes of saving lives and restoring broken communities

Protecting nursing homes

Support of nursing homes operating with “best practices” methods

Where I am going

I am working on the following issues over the interim:

  • As co-chair of the Attorney General’s Task Force on lowering pharmaceutical prices, I will be aggressively advocating for solutions to ridiculous price increases.
  • I am working with multiple groups on insulin access and affordability issues.
  • I will continue to champion funding for Hwy. 212 and the Waconia regional park.
  • I will continue to develop new legislative models to import lower-priced prescription drugs from other countries and discourage drug manufacturers from engaging in veiled practices harmful to patients.

State Senator Scott Jensen, M.D.

Proudly representing District 47

Minnesota Senate Building Room 3229
95 University Avenue West
Saint Paul, MN 55155

Office: (651) 296-4837
E-mail: sen.scott.jensen@senate.mn