Johnson says Walz action on fraud too little, too late; legislature will need bipartisan action this session

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson (R- East Grand Forks) released the following statement in response to fraud prevention measures announced by Governor Tim Walz today:
“Minnesotans are rightfully outraged by the sheer amount and frequent reports of fraudulent use of their tax dollars. The executive action taken today by Governor Walz is too little and too late. It remains to be seen if Walz can accept recommendations by the Office of the Legislative Auditor, hold his commissioners accountable, enforce the current laws and roles to combat fraud, or work with Republicans to pass and approve legislation that will need bipartisan support to pass. That’s the true test of whether Walz and Democrats are going to take fraud prevention efforts seriously.”
More information on fraud in Minnesota:
  • Fraud tracker occurring under Gov. Walz from Center of the American Experiment
  • Current laws requiring state employees to report fraud