ST. PAUL, Minn. – Yesterday Republican Senator Mark Koran (North Branch) presented his bill, SF-648, in the jobs committee to provide grant funds to support the Goodwill Easter Seals’ FATHER Project. The bill proposes $2 million in grant funding to support the organization’s ongoing work in Minnesota.
The FATHER Project assists men in remaining present and active in the lives of their children both emotionally and financially. Several testifiers spoke in support of the resources provided by the organization which have helped them remain close to their children, improve their communication with their co-parent and children, and assist them in maintaining a steady income.
“The importance of a father’s role in a child’s life cannot be overstated,” Koran said. “I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to support this project since 2017. Helping fathers overcome the barriers to being present in their children’s lives and playing a healthy, active role is vital to generational success.”
The FATHER Project provides a variety of support for men who utilize the program some of which include:
· Case management
· Parenting support
· Child support services
· Father and family activities
· Employment services
· GED tutoring
Senate File 648 was laid over for possible inclusion in a later bill.