Friends and neighbors,
It has been great to get back to business at the Capitol with the 94th Legislative Session kicking off. As you likely know, the Senate has been operating under a power-sharing agreement since the beginning of session. Because of this agreement, I have been co-chairing the Elections Committee and, I’m happy to report, we were able to pass the first bi-partisan bill out of committee last week. As we push through session, I’ll continue to work hard and represent the residents of Chisago and Isanti Counties and be focused on delivering tangible solutions to the issues Minnesotans face.
Session Priorities
Cutting Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Government
Our state has an abysmal record when it comes to proper government oversight; many programs are ripe with fraud. A swath of reports make it clear nearly $1 billion has been lost to mismanagement, incompetency, or just a downright failure to bring accountability to those responsible.
Just last week, Channel 5 reported a case of fraud brought to our attention involving the Child Care Assistance Program. KARE 11 also reported overbilling and kickbacks by NUWAY, a nonprofit organization meant to treat those undergoing addiction treatment, to the tune of $58 million in the last 3 years.
In order to help relieve family budgets and improve state government operations, we must work to implement stringent auditing processes, enhance transparency in government spending, and strengthen penalties for those who engage in fraudulent activities. Establishing an independent oversight body with the power to investigate, track, and communicate across departments would be a strong investment to restore trust in our public institutions and ensure that taxpayer money is used as intended. For any real change to occur, all of this must be done in a way that is free of partisanship or simply to advance a political agenda.
These priorities will be especially important as we move through the 2025 Legislative Session – a budget year – where Legislators will be responsible for setting a budget for the next two years. One major concern our state is facing is the massive, looming $5.1 billion budget deficit. Over the last two years, single-party Democrat control spent our entire $18 billion budget surplus, raised taxes by $10 billion, and failed to deliver Minnesotans tax relief amid economic pressures on their budgets. Now, Legislators will be tasked with balancing the budget amid uncertainty regarding the balance of power in Saint Paul.
Helping Minnesotans Afford the High Cost of Living
Currently, Minnesota ranks as one of the top 10 states with the highest tax burdens in the country. With the increasing pressures of inflation and the skyrocketing costs of energy and food, it’s incumbent upon us to act to make life more affordable for Minnesota families.
Uphold the Integrity of the Senate
Last week, Senate Republicans moved to expel Senator Nicole Mitchell after she was arrested and charged with felony burglary last year. Recently, her trial, which was scheduled to begin on January 27, was delayed until the legislative session adjourns for the year. Members of the Senate are to be held to a high standard, and restoring integrity to the institution following improper behavior is constitutionally protected. Unfortunately, our motion to expel was blocked by Senate Democrats using procedural tactics allowing Mitchell to continue to hide behind – and take advantage of – her status as a senator. Disappointingly, they even allowed her to cast the deciding vote to narrowly avoid taking up the motion to expel.
Power-sharing Agreement
Following the unfortunate passing of our colleague Senator Kari Dziedzic, the Senate was tied 33-33. Senate Leaders had entered a power-sharing agreement which included co-committee chairs, two co-presiding officers on the Senate Floor, and a new subcommittee on Veterans.
The agreement was to remain in place until there are 34 votes in the Senate to bring it to an end. As a result, I have been serving as the co-chair for the Senate Elections Committee where we focused on promoting free and fair elections, increasing transparency and integrity within our elections, and addressed the known deficiencies that exist in the days leading up to Election Day.
Now that the DFL has the majority in the Senate with a newly elected member, the Senate DFL voted today to rescind the power-sharing agreement and once again operate as the majority. I’m honored to have served as the co-chair of the Elections Committee where we worked in a bipartisan manner to hear bills presented by both parties. Although I will no longer be co-chair, I will remain the minority caucus chair for this committee. As we move through session, I will continue to advocate for common sense election laws to ensure every election in Minnesota is fair, free, and secure.
Contact me
Please don’t ever hesitate to reach out! I truly believe I’m a better legislator when I hear your feedback. I can be reached via email at or 651-296-5419. My Legislative Assistant, Melissa Field, is also a great resource if you need assistance! She can be reached at or 651-296-6200.
I’m looking forward to seeing you in the community soon!
In service,
Minnesota Senate, District 28