The Senate Agriculture Committee recently heard two innovative bills authored by Senator Andrew Lang (R-Olivia) that focus on funding environmentally-friendly Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) alternatives.
The first bill appropriates funding directly to CelluComp to support the commercialization of their material additive, allowing them continue producing fiber-based packaging to reduce PFAS in packaging products.
The second bill has a wider scope and creates a grant program incentivizing companies to produce Minnesota Made PFAS Alternatives. Grant proceeds may be used to expand manufacturing, processing, or handling of PFAS-free alternatives in Minnesota. Awarded grants would range between $2 million and $5 million.
CelluComp testified in committee and shared a presentation detailing how their company is able to use sugarbeet byproduct to create “packaging solutions.” Their testimony detailed the global plastic and PFAS problems, and how their product can reduce waste in a natural, environmentally-friendly way that also brings commerce to Minnesota. Renville, Minnesota is the ideal location for this operation due to the vast amount of sugarbeet farms and the availability of an existing building.
“Where I live, there’s a vast amount of sugarbeets, and if we can use the byproduct of sugarbeets to create a safer PFAS alternative, it’s something we should explore,” said Lang. “Minnesota is one of the largest sugarbeet producing states, and when we look at what CelluComp’s product is and how they’re innovating and producing this new technology, it’s clear Minnesota is a perfect match. This is an exciting endeavor – it’s an opportunity to promote business and economic development in our state, and it solves an environmental problem that has been in the headlines for years. Funding this project is a win for everyone and put us on step closer to solving the PFAS problem.”
Though the bills were both held over for possible inclusion in a future omnibus bill, both garnered bipartisan interest in the committee hearing.