Lieske: Giving Minnesotans a say in the flag debate

Friends and neighbors,

Thursday on the Senate Floor I supported a motion to immediately bring up for a vote a bill that would give Minnesotans a voice on the new state flag and seal designs. I’ve heard significant feedback from you about the proposed changes, and it is clear you’re frustrated about being left out of the process – and rightfully so. The people of Minnesota must have their voices heard on this important issue.

The new designs were chosen by a small, unelected commission of just 13 members who did not adequately listen to public feedback. This commission made its decisions without giving the people of Minnesota an opportunity to weigh in on the symbols that represent our state’s history and identity.

I believe it is essential that we let the public have a vote on this issue before moving forward with the new flag and seal. Only 13 unelected voices were heard during this process; nearly 6 million Minnesotans were excluded. This is unacceptable on an issue of such significance to our state.

Unfortunately, our motion to bring up the bill for a vote was rejected by the Democrats. Unless they change course and begin to listen to the public’s concerns, the new flag will be officially adopted on May 11 without the input of the people of Minnesota.

This is not the end of this battle, though. I will continue advocating to let the people of Minnesota have a say in the new flag and seal.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out.

