Friends and neighbors,
I hope all Vietnam War veterans across our state will take the opportunity to share their stories as part of the ongoing Vietnam War Commemoration Oral History Project.
For too long, the sacrifices of the Vietnam generation went unacknowledged and underappreciated. We all know the awful reception that Vietnam veterans received when they returned home. It contributed to the severe alienation and mental health struggles many veterans experienced, exacerbating conditions like PTSD and making it difficult for them to reintegrate into civilian life. One small way we can make amends is to ensure their voices and experiences are preserved for future generations.
Every veteran’s story helps paint a complete picture of what it meant to answer the call during those turbulent years – the combat, support roles, separations, injuries, challenges coming home. These firsthand stories can provide a unique, clear window into this chapter of our history. They represent profound acts of courage, sacrifice, and patriotism.
Veterans who wish to participate by being interviewed will record a video of their story, which will be archived and preserved as part of the project. It will provide an opportunity for future generations to hear directly from our Veterans and better understand what they saw, did, and felt during their service to our country. Family members can also participate in interviews to help give a clearer picture of the effect that service had on loved ones back home.
Anyone interested in learning more about the interview process or signing up to be interviewed for the Vietnam War Commemoration Oral History Project can contact Bess Ellenson at
Minnesota’s Vietnam veterans answered the call at a pivotal moment. Now I hope they will answer the call once more and allow their important stories to be captured for future generations.