Hackers gained access to 21,000 Minnesotans’ personal identifying information in a massive data breach in June, according to the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The compromised information includes: Social Security numbers, financial information, medical information, employment records, dates of birth, and more. Letters were sent out to affected individuals this week.
Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka released the following statement:
“The first reaction people have when they hear about a massive government data breach is to feel their stomach clench as they wonder if they’re going to be a victim of identity theft. This breach affected 21,000 individuals on Medical Assistance, which is ma
ssive. But my Democrat colleagues at the legislature want five million Minnesotans to be on government-run health insurance. If we can’t protect the Social Security Numbers and medical information of the people on government plans now, how in the world are we going to be able to secure every Minnesotan’s personal information? It’s a recipe for disaster.
“This theft occurred in June. But 21,000 Minnesotans just received letters this week telling them to monitor their credit reports. There is absolutely no excuse for a delay that long. It’s scary.”