Sen. Newman: Republican legislators call for Minnesota State School Board Association to withdraw from national school board organization after ‘deceitful and defamatory’ letter to attorney general

A group of Republican legislators has called for the Minnesota School Board Association (MSBA) to withdraw its membership from the National School Board Association (NSBA), pending any serious reform and leadership change at the national organization, after the NSBA sent a “deceitful and defamatory” letter to the United States Attorney General asking the Department of Justice to investigate the involvement of concerned parents at local school board meetings. Signatories to the letter include Senate Education Committee Chairman Roger Chamberlain (R-Lino Lakes), Senate Education Committee Vice Chairman Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids), House Education Finance Committee Republican Lead Ron Kresha (R-Little Falls), and House Education Policy Committee Republican Lead Sondra Erickson (R-Princeton).

The NSBA sent its letter without consulting state school board associations, including the Minnesota School Board Association.

“The National School Board Association stepped way over the line with its letter to the attorney general,” said Senator Scott Newman (R-Hutchinson). “Parents are not domestic terrorists. They are not the enemy. They are simply gravely concerned about mask mandates, CRT-style curriculum, and other activities taking place in their schools. The state school board association must send a clear message that it does not condone the actions of the NSBA. Unless and until there is a change in leadership at the national level, MSBA needs to withdraw its membership in the national organization. It’s the only way to preserve its integrity.”

According to Parents Defending Education, 23 states have formally distanced themselves from the NSBA letter and five states – Missouri, Ohio, Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and New Hampshire – have ended their association with NSBA. Minnesota is currently listed as “no response.”
The full letter can be read here.