Senator Dahms Video Statement on Budget Surplus

Senator Gary Dahms (R-Redwood Falls) released the following video statement on the state budget forecast that was released on Monday showing a massive $9.3 billion budget surplus.  Watch Video Statement You can also listen to the video…

Dornink: Update from the Capitol

Friends and Neighbors, It has been busy here at the Capitol as we are approaching the end of the first month of session! I have been focused on introducing legislation to get Minnesotans back on…

Sen. Newman responds to $9.25 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $9.253 billion for the next budget…

Chamberlain responds to $9.25 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $9.253 billion for the next budget…

Senator Dahms Statement on State Budget Surplus

On Monday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its February 2022 Forecast projecting a massive $9.253 billion dollar surplus which is up from the $7.746 billion surplus forecasted last November. Senator Gary Dahms (R-Redwood Falls) released the following statement: …

Senator Osmek: Massive Surplus Belongs to Minnesotans

On Monday, Minnesota’s Office of Management and Budget (MMB) released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a record surplus of $9.25 billion. The surplus increased significantly…
Senator Mike Goggin

Goggin responds to $9.25 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $9.253 billion for the next budget…

Senator Ingebrigtsen: Give the Surplus Back to Minnesotans

(St. Paul, MN) On Monday, Minnesota’s Office of Management and Budget (MMB) released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a record surplus of $9.25 billion. The…

Senator Nelson responds to $9.25 billion budget surplus

Minnesota’s office of Management and Budget (MMB) on Monday released its February revenue forecast, which provides information and outlook for Minnesota’s financial picture. The report projects a surplus of $9.253 billion for the next budget…