Senator Jason Rarick’s 1.29.21 Legislative Update

Hello Neighbor, Over the next few weeks, I will share the legislative priorities that I am supporting in 2021. You will hear a lot of discussion about budgets and what the legislature should do for…

Senator Rich Draheim’s 1.29.21 Legislative Update

Neighbors,We had another busy week in St. Paul as the Governor released his budget on Tuesday and the Senate Majority released Minnesota’s Priorities late last week.  I continue to take lots of meetings, albeit virtually,…

Senator Mark Koran’s First Month Legislative Update

Vaccines for 65 plus It’s no secret that Minnesota’s COVID-19 vaccination roll-out has been slower than the national average and much slower than our neighboring states. In fact, the percentage of distributed vaccines that have been administered in Minnesota…
weber committee chair

Senator Bill Weber’s 2.1.21Legislative Update

Hello Neighbor,We are wrapping up the first month of the session here at the Capitol in St. Paul. It has been a flurry of bill introductions and learning new technology to accomplish our work, but…

Senator Eric Pratt Responds to Governor Walz’s Budget

On Tuesday Governor Tim Walz released his proposal for the upcoming two-year state budget. The $52.4 billion budget proposal would be the largest budget in state history, and it will increase taxes by $1.66 billion.…

Senator Andrew Lang Responds to Governor Walz’s Budget

On Tuesday Governor Tim Walz released his proposal for the upcoming two-year state budget. The $52.4 billion budget proposal would be the largest budget in state history, and it will increase taxes by $1.66 billion.…

Senator Goggin responds to Gov. Walz’s budget proposal

Gov. Tim Walz on Wednesday announced his 2022-2023 budget proposal, which calls for $52.4 billion in spending and more than $1.6 billion in new taxes. It represents a spending increase of $4.4 billion from the…

Senator Jeff Howe Responds to Governor Walz’s Budget

On Tuesday Governor Tim Walz released his proposal for the upcoming two-year state budget. The $52.4 billion budget proposal would be the largest budget in state history with an overall 9.5% increase from the previous…

Senator David Senjem Chosen as NCEL’s Minnesota State Lead

The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators has selected Senator David Senjem (R-Rochester) as the 2021 Minnesota State Lead. This position reflects a continued sense of dedication to Minnesota’s environmental issues and a demonstrated leadership role…

Majority Leader Paul Gazelka’s 1.28.21 Legislative Update

Dear friends and neighbors,We are a few weeks into the 2021 session and already are hitting hard against the Governor’s and House Democrats’ agenda to increase taxes and adopt California Emissions Standards. The Senate has…

A Legislative Update from Senator Jim Abeler

Dear Friends and neighbors,I am grateful, humbled, and challenged to be back in St. Paul representing our community for the 2021 Legislative Session. We have started this session strong, with many priorities to keep our…