Sen. Utke legislative update: Line 3 and Budget news!

Greetings, Senate District 2!  In addition to sharing some exciting news from the week, I take a closer look at what the recently released November economic forecast means for Minnesotans and the upcoming session. Minnesota…
Senator John Jasinski

Jasinski: What the budget forecast means for Minnesotans

What the budget forecast means for Minnesotans By: Senator John Jasinski As you may have read, a new economic forecast came out on December 1. These forecasts are what legislators will use to guide budget…

Senator Newman statement on Minnesota’s budget forecast

The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) on Tuesday released its annual November economic forecast. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projects a surplus of $641 million for the current 2020-21 budget…

Senator Howe responds to November budget forecast

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2020 Forecast projecting a $641 million surplus. This is an improvement of $2.955 billion compared to deficit estimates published at the end of October. This…
Senator Bill Weber

Senator Weber responds to November budget forecast

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2020 Forecast projecting a $641 million surplus. This is an improvement of $2.955 billion compared to deficit estimates published at the end of October. This…

Senator Koran responds to November budget forecast

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2020 Forecast projecting a $641 million surplus. This is an improvement of $2.955 billion compared to deficit estimates published at the end of October. This…

Senator Draheim responds to November budget forecast

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2020 Forecast projecting a $641 million surplus. This is an improvement of $2.955 billion compared to deficit estimates published at the end of October. This…
Senator John Jasinski

Senator Jasinski statement on Minnesota’s budget forecast

The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) today released its annual November economic forecast. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projects a surplus of $641 million for the current 2020-21 budget cycle,…

Senator Pratt statement on Minnesota’s budget forecast

The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) today released its annual November economic forecast. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projects a surplus of $641 million for the current 2020-21 budget cycle,…

Senator Eichorn statement on Minnesota’s budget forecast

The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) today released its annual November economic forecast. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projects a surplus of $641 million for the current 2020-21 budget cycle,…
Senator Andrew Lang

Senator Lang statement on Minnesota’s budget forecast

The office of Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) today released its annual November economic forecast. The report, which details the state’s budget picture, projects a surplus of $641 million for the current 2020-21 budget cycle,…
Benson committee cropped

Senator Benson responds to November budget forecast

On Tuesday, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) released its November 2020 Forecast projecting a $641 million surplus. This is an improvement of $2.955 billion compared to deficit estimates published at the end of October. This…