Senator Bill Weber celebrates Border-to-Border broadband grant for Bigelow

The Office of Broadband Development recently announced that a Nobles County broadband infrastructure project in Senate District 21 will receive a $208,598 grant through the Department of Employment and Economic Development’s (DEED) Border-to-Border Broadband Development Grant Program.…

Gruenhagen: Life under Tim Walz

Friends and neighbors,  Obviously we’ve all had a front-row seat to Tim Walz’s failures as a governor. Whether it is the rampant fraud and mismanagement, his total inability to manage a crisis, the reckless spending…

Jasinski: Daily life is still too expensive

By: SENATOR JOHN JASINSKI  The biggest issue I am hearing about right now is the rising cost of daily life in Minnesota.   We need to make life more affordable for Minnesotans. It is as simple…

Senator Mark Koran Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

The state’s leading small business organization, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) yesterday presented Senator Mark Koran (R-North Branch) with the prestigious Guardian of Small Business Award.    “Small businesses drive our economy in…

Environment Trust Fund Question on the Ballot

Environment Trust Fund Question on the Ballot By Senator Jason Rarick Recently The legislature recently passed a bill that puts a question regarding the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) on the 2024 ballot:…

Senator Jasinski Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

The state’s leading small business organization, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) today presented Senator John Jasinski (Faribault) with the prestigious Guardian of Small Business Award.   “Now more than ever, Main Street needs strong…

Senator Julia Coleman Earns NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award

The state’s leading small business organization, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) yesterday presented Senator Julia Coleman (R-Waconia) with the prestigious Guardian of Small Business Award.   “Now more than ever, Main Street needs…

Lieske praises Northfield/Loon Liquors development grant

Senator Bill Lieske (R-Lonsdale) today praised an announcement that Northfield has been awarded $29,795 in state funding for the Loon Liquors development project. The grant, provided through the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development’s…

Senator Dahms Receives SMSU Award

On Friday, October 11, the Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) Alumni Association presented Senator Gary Dahms (R – Redwood Falls) with their Honorary Lifetime Membership Award. The award is given to someone who supports SMSU…

Eichorn: Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund

Friends and neighbors,   Minnesotans will see a Constitutional Amendment on their 2024 ballots which pertains to the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF). The question posed to voters will be:   “Shall the Minnesota Constitution…

The Importance of Protecting Our Kids

Children are a protected class of people, which is why it’s shocking that so many new and absurd policies are putting them at risk, specifically policies that support non-proven medical procedures under the guise of…

Lieske: Daily life is still difficult to afford

By: SENATOR BILL LIESKE   The other day I read a story about soaring credit card debt that shocked me, but didn’t surprise me. Credit card debt in the U.S. hit another record, hitting $1.14 trillion.…