senator michelle benson

Senator Michelle Benson Weighs in On Mask Mandate

Today, Governor Walz announced a statewide mask mandate. Senator Michelle Benson (R-Ham Lake) responded with the following statement – “It is important that people wash their hands, stay home when they are sick, and yes, wear masks…
Senator Roger Chamberlain

Senate Passes Police Reforms

On the final day of the second special session, Senate Republicans passed a second portion of police reforms. The agreed-upon legislation starts with 10 provisions originally supported by the Senate in the previous special session,…

Senator Ruud approves bill to reduce driver’s test backlog

Last week, the Minnesota Senate passed legislation aimed at improving wait times for Minnesotans taking driver’s tests and written permit tests. The bill, Senate File 4, would allow written permit tests to be offered at deputy…
senator mike goggin

Senate Passes Police Reforms in Special Session

On the final day of special session, Senate Republicans passed an agreed-upon set of police reforms. Last special session, the Senate passed several bills to ban chokeholds, require a duty to intervene, report the use…
Senator Karin Housley

Senate Passes Police Reforms in Special Session

On the final day of special session, Senate Republicans passed an agreed-upon set of police reforms. “We have heard loud and clear that trust is broken between our communities and those who are sworn to…

Senator Kiffmeyer Agrees to Police Reforms in Special Session

Yesterday Senate Republicans agreed to pass police reform. The agreed-upon legislation starts with 10 of the 11 provisions originally supported by the Senate in the previous special session, and includes five additional reforms to policing:…